John Michael Moore
Hertfordshire Law School, 12/08/19→ …
Postal address:University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, HertfordshireUnited Kingdom
From 1984 to 1990 I worked at Hargrave House, an ex-prisoners housing group set up by PROP, the prisoners’ rights group. In 1990 I help establish Penrose Housing Association as its first chief executive where we developed a range of award-winning projects, including schemes for women ex-prisoners and mentally disordered offenders. Between 2000 and 2008 I worked as a freelance consultant/interim manager for a range of voluntary sector, local government and criminal justice organisations and in various posts for the think tank Transform Drug Policy Foundation. I have a BA in Industrial Relations with Economics (University of Kent), an MA in Applied Criminology (Middlesex University) and a PhD in Historical Studies (University of Bristol). I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have taught previously at Bristol University, UWE Bristol and Newman University.
Research interests
My research focuses on the history of punishment and the development of social justice solutions as alternatives to criminal justice sanctions. I am currently working on a history of Birmingham Prison between 1849 and 1853. My wider historical research seeks to understand British state punishment as a global and imperial phenomenon. My social justice research focuses on developing responses to harms, conflict and anti-social behaviour without recourses to criminal justice.