Luca Sabini
Hertfordshire Business School, 4/09/17→ …
Postal address:University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, HertfordshireUnited KingdomHertfordshire Business School, 30/08/17→ 10/09/17
Postal address:University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, HertfordshireUnited KingdomHertfordshire Business School, 27/08/17→ 3/09/17
Postal address:University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, HertfordshireUnited Kingdom
Research interests
Luca Sabini is a Senior Lecturer in Project Managent at University of Herforshire Business School. Previously, it has been a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Associate Researcher at Newcastle Business School, working on a research project on Sustainability and Project Management. His main research focus is on the study of dynamics of institutionalization of new practices, with particular focus on sustainability within the new occupations (such as Project Management). His broad research interests are related with business organization, Information Technology, Project Management, Sociology of Profession.